About Me & This Blog

In this blog I would like to share my experience with small freshwater aquariums.
I am anxious to create small 'biotopes' which meet the requirements of their inhabitants in terms of water chemistry, biological diversity, and habitat properties - some people might refer to that as 'natural aquariums'.

I got my first aquarium, a 200 litre tank in which I kept sticklebacks I found in a nearby pond, when I was about 12 years old (that must have been around 1997).
Since that time I had been fascinated by underwater life, keeping a whole variety of fish and crustaceans over the years.
Nowadays, because of being somewhat restricted in space on the one hand and possibly also due to the recent trend of so-called nanoaquariums on the other hand, I mostly keep small fish or invertebrates which are suitable for small aquariums.

Aside from my passion for aquariums, I play guitar and listen to reggae music, and I work at a German university as a microbiologist.